5 Things the WWE Network Needs

Let's face it, we all love the WWE Network. It's the best possible way to watch PPV's such as Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble, The Saudi---Nevermind. Anyway, without the WWE Network, we wouldn't be able to see the awesome content that we like binging. Want to see an old ECW PPV? WWE Network. Want to see some Attitude Era moments? WWE Network. Wanna get caught up on what's going on? WWE Network. It's everywhere. And today we are gonna' take a look at 5 Things The WWE Network Needs.

5. More recent episodes of RAW and SDLive
Although there is almost no way of this happening, given USA and FOX's involvement, how awesome would it be if you could just simply rewatch the episode that just aired on the Network? No waiting for a month when it goes up, and no waiting a few days or a week on Hulu. Just straight up wrestling action the moment it goes off the air. Now I can't stress enough about how I know this won't ever work, but it would just be sweet.

4. Better selection of originals
Not that I don't like a good Ride Along or Table For 3. But they just tend to get redundant after a while. I remember a while back Sunny wanted a cooking special on the WWE Network. That's the kind of content I would like to see. I don't want to see documentaries, I've seen enough. Give me something like that, or air Ryder and Hawkin's Toy show on the Network. Give wrestlers a fun, nearly no restrictive show and just let the magic roll. Problem is, WWE won't do that unless if there's a good enough demand. Which I'm hoping is soon.

3. A Sports-center like show
This could fall into the category of "Better Network Originals," but it's my list. And, WWE already does something similar with "This Week In WWE". But I would love to see a 1 hour daily show the not only talks about things going on in WWE, but even in the Pro Wrestling Industry. It's a fourth-wall that WWE hates to break, but have on more than one occasion. I think it's time to just drop that. Why be so cheeky about it? We all know it's out there. We all know that Pro Wrestling isn't just WWE anymore. Come on man, lighten up.

2. More Fan Interaction
It's fun to watch the shows we have. But frankly, it's not too interactive with the audience who watches to begin with. I'd love to see things from a fans perspective on the Network, ie- The Curtain Call Incident. That's right, show genuine fan reactions from certain events, shows etc. Hell, maybe bring in some famous wrestling YouTubers not named JDFromNY to host a show. Or dare I say, a Sports-Center like show?

1. Tiered Packages
This is something that will likely happen, and is without a doubt my pick for the thing the Network needs the most. I enjoy paying my lump sum of 9.99. In fact, I'm thankful WWE hasn't risen the price in 5 years. That's saying something. But, if I could pay maybe a little less and get content specific to me? That would be a good idea. Not every streaming service needs something like this, but it should work just fine on the WWE Network.

And that's our list! Got any more ideas? Sound off below or on Twitter!



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