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Nick is the host of the show, and has been a fan almost his whole life. His favorites include Scott Hall, Jeff Hardy and Ric Flair. When not talking about men in tights, he can be found gaming whether if it's on Steam or on his Nintendo Switch! Follow him on Twitter

Now, we can't confirm that Mat Is Batman, we're just saying we've been unable to spot them in the same room. A lifelong fan as well, mat is known as the "Encyclopedia of Wrestling," knowing various facts, storylines, and much more that will leave you shocked.  When not surrounded with 'rasslin, Mat enjoys some Netflix and local Cleveland sports. Follow him on Twitter
Rebecca may not know who was in Degeneration X, or the name of Vince's dad, but she sure knows who John Cena is! Although not a diehard like the guys, she fills in occasionally, and always offer insight from a non-diehard fan. During her downtime, you can catch her enjoying TLC shows, or perhaps playing Pokemon on her DS. Her favorites include AJ Styles and Finn Balor. Follow her on Twitter

Though not a frequent guest, Michael has filled in occasionally. He is Nick and Mat's brother, and is also a constant fan. His favorites are Shawn Michaels, and Ric Flair. Outside of wrestling, you can spot him watching NASCAR races, or watching the latest Flash episodes on Netflix. Follow him on Twitter


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