5 Best comeback stories in wrestling

We all love a good comeback story. They're always emotional, and typically filled with either happiness or shock. In fact, how many times have we always said to one another just how awesome a comeback was even far after it happened? The odds are great, and frankly it fills my heart just thinking about it. So today we are gonna' look at 5 best comeback stories in wrestling!

5. Ric Flair after the Plane Crash
October 4th 1975 was a day that shook the wrestling world. A plane carrying Johnny Valentine, Mr. Wrestling, Bob Bruggers, David Crockett and the aforementioned Ric Flair crashed in Wilmington, North Carolina. With the pilot sadly passing and Flair's back broken in 3 places, it was a dark day. The doctors told Flair he'd never wrestle again. It's crazy to think, given that his last match (Not counting TNA) happened 33 years later at Wrestlemania against Shawn Michaels. Looking back, it was a no-brainer to be on the list.

4. John Cena At The Royal Rumble
Let's face it. You may hate John Cena, but you'd love to be him at the same time. For every time you chanted "Cena Sucks", there was a part of you that said "He's not that bad of a guy!"...Or maybe that's just me. Either way, in 2008, Cena was slated to not only miss the Royal Rumble, but also Wrestlemania, as he suffered a torn pectoral muscle in October the previous year. When the Rumble was down to that final spot, fans were wondering just who it would be. And now we know.

3. Chris Jericho deciphers the code
In 2007, I think it's fair to say that Jericho was one of the hottest free agents at the time. He was perhaps the only name to never jump ship from WWE to TNA at that time period. And we knew something was up when we saw these Matrix-like promos with the translated message being dubbed "SAVE_US.222". No one knew what it was until the code was "cracked" so to speak, and we found out it was Jericho. Just another example of the man not aging.

2. Daniel Bryan returns
Daniel Bryan fought tooth and nail with WWE doctors to get himself cleared for a number of years following his neck injury in 2015. It was the same type of injury Steve Austin and Edge had. So naturally, doctors were hesitant in clearing him. But with a lot of hard work and diligence, The "New" Daniel Bryan was cleared, competing at Wrestlemania 34 alongside Shane McMahon against Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. It was just as emotional as you would think. 

1. Roman Reigns kicks Leukemia's ass again
We all were in shock in 2018 when Roman Reigns came out and announced that not only did he used to have leukemia, but it made its way back. No one knew what to say, and it just seemed like that RAW was deflated from that moment on. Roman had to vacate his Universal Title, and rode of into the sunset. That was until 2019 when he announced that he was in remission. And now, he has supporters of all kinds due to this, and (In my opinion) improvements in the ring. Good for Roman. And good for the fans to not be dicks.

That's our list! Got any you want to share? Sound off below or on Twitter! 


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