PWP Interview: "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown

For a period time in both TNA and WWE, Monty Brown was a force. He was someone who could Pounce you (Or, should I say PPPOOUNNCCEEE?!?!?) right into the ground. He's someone that quite frankly to this day I'm still afraid and rightfully so. We here at PWP got a chance to talk to Monty Brown about his career, NFL, AEW and more. Here's the interview!

Before your wrestling career, you played football for both the Bills and Patriots. How was that like, and how did it help you in terms of starting your career?

" I knew I was an athlete. I felt a little burned out with football and decided to give professional wrestling a shot."

Looking back, do you wish you would have continued with football?

 "I do regret not having a longer NFL career, but I don’t regret transitioning to wrestling."

Shortly after your football career, you started in TNA. Did TNA actively recruit you? Who influenced you into trying out?
"I had heard about TNA being “the place to go” for young talent like me who were young and hungry for competition in order to make a name for myself, with the obvious goal at the time being WWE"

Who came up with the "Alpha Male" gimmick? Was it all you, or did you have help?

"The Alpha Male has always been my nickname and my idea. I own it 100%."

In TNA, who was your favorite person to step in the ring with?

"Jeff Jarrett and Bobby Roode were definitely 2 of my favorite opponents in TNA."

Did you enjoy your time in TNA? If so, what was your favorite match?

"TNA was an amazing chapter of my life. I could never really choose a “favorite” match, but any match I had with Jeff Jarrett was always great. TNA gave a young rookie like me the opportunity of a lifetime to jumpstart my career with very little experience."

The Pounce is by far one of my favorite moves! How did you come up with it?

"The pounce is a move I learned while training to become a wrestler based off of my athletic ability and football background. I wanted to look like the top guy, or in this case, The Alpha Male."

In terms of promo skills, did you have a mentor? How much of that was you, and
how much of it was influenced by other writers?

"I said everything the creative writers told me to say with a little bit of my own creative control thrown into there."

Shortly after your departure from TNA, you went to WWE. Was it a dream come true?
Or was it not what you expected?

"I always thought WWE was the place to go if you really wanted to say you had a successful career in professional wrestling. I never won a championship in either WWE or TNA. But I had an amazing career in both companies. However, I didn’t like the idea of not being Monty Brown in WWE. They started me off in the reincarnated ECW as “Marquis Cor Von”. I didn’t like the name at all, it just didn’t sound right. So they changed it to “Marcus Cor Von”. I never really understood where they came up with those names from."

What was it like to compete at Wrestlemania?

"Competing at WrestleMania was a goal I had set for myself when I signed with WWE. At WrestleMania 23 was an amazing match with the old ECW vs the new ECW."

Shortly after WM 23, you retired from in-ring competition. Do you enjoy
where you're at now?
"I retired to take care of my deceased sisters children. I wasn’t ready to retire from wrestling, but my contract with WWE was about to end and that’s when I realized it was time to hang up the boots and step up for my family. I found being a personal trainer was a great way to continue my fitness and spread my knowledge on how to maintain a body like mine that’s been through hell and back both in NFL and professional wrestling."

What is the best benefit of being a personal trainer?

"I enjoy spreading my knowledge of fitness with others that want to stay in shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle just like me."

Do you keep up with the current product? If so, who are your favorites?
"I keep up with WWE, mainly because most of the guys I worked with in TNA have jumped over to WWE. Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, and AJ Styles are a few of my current WWE favorites. I watch a little bit of TNA, sorry, I mean Impact Wrestling. It’s just not the same as when I was there. But they’re still giving other young and hungry talent the opportunities they deserve."

There's a ton of buzz obviously regarding AEW. Do you think they can
give the other promotions a run for their money?

"AEW is a force to be reckoned with. They’ve got a billionaire investing in the company, so they’re not going anywhere for a while."

You were spotted recently at a WWE Live Event. Is there any chance that 
we can see you again in a wrestling ring?

"I might return again to WWE or TNA one day for the right price, but only for a one off. I’m almost 50."

We'd like to thank Monty for taking the time to talk to us. You can find him on Twitter @TheMontyBrown, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter @ProWPodcast. In the meantime, check out just how awesome The Pounce really was!


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