5 Wrestlers who should have movies about them

Wrestling can be a strange, strange world. We've seen it all from male cheerleaders, to an egg hatching at Survivor Series. Yet there's something about this strange world that makes us comeback for more. But what about the ones who have seen a lot of things behind the curtain? The same ones that drive the sport of Pro Wrestling? Today we are going to take a look at 5 Wrestlers who deserve a movie about them.

5. Perry Saturn
I feel as though the move "The Wrestler" could have been loosely based on Saturn as it is. Through drug use, brain damage, and a slew of different promotions, there's no doubt that his story would make for a great movie. And of course we can't forget about the time that he stopped a sexual assault from happening. After getting shot, he went about his business like normal. What a mad man he is. And no, the mop wouldn't be included.

4. Hulk Hogan
Hogan would absolutely be the most controversial name on this list. But imagine seeing a movie about him and his rise to stardom. Only for it to come crashing down to a certain degree. There's no doubt that Hogan has had an incredible roller coaster ride. And love him or hate him, you can't tell me that you wouldn't be even the least bit interested in seeing a movie made about him. So my question is whatcha' gonna do...Oh nevermind.

3. Scott Hall
From the leader of the nWo to the most macho one in the group. Aside from being my personal all time favorite wrestler, Scott's life is nothing short of amazing. From the jumpstart he got, all the way to his unfortunate battle with alcohol and substances, Hall has seen a lot. And he's still alive to talk about most things. There's no telling how awesome this movie could be, but I would likely go see it more than once in theaters. It's too compelling not to.

2. Charlotte Flair 
Like most on this list, they had an element of adversity to their stories. Charlotte is no different. From spousal abuse, a deceased brother and a arguably the most famous wrestling dad of all time, there's a ton of story to tell here. And I think if you could tell the story from a more out-of-the-ring perspective, it could make for a truly compelling story. Best part is, she already has a autobiography out, alongside her father Ric. So if you could, you can use some of the source material straight from their mouths.

1. Vince McMahon
You can't tell me this wasn't obvious. I mean come on. It's Vincent bloody McMahon. The only problem is just how much of a story you could tell in a 2 hour or so window. He bought the company from his father, and expanded it into the phenomenon we all know and love today. Love him or hate him, Pro Wrestling wouldn't be what it is today had it not been for the poise that Vince had to make it this big.

That's our list! Who would you like to see a movie on? Let us know below or on Twitter!


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