5 Bold Predictions for HIAC

The wrestling world right now is absolutely booming, and we're at the forefront of it as fans. From RAW on Monday, to NXT and AEW Wednesdays and Friday Night Smackdown, it's safe to say that wrestling is readily available to us no matter where we are. And as fun times as it is to be a fan, sometimes, there are just some you're not too sure of. That's where we're at with Hell In A Cell this Sunday. The build has been far from amazing, and we're left scratching our heads. But fear not, as we rank our 5 Bold Predictions for Hell In A Cell!

5. More matches to be added
As of writing, there's only 3 matches announced for the show. Yep, you read that right, a whopping three matches. Not taking anything away from them, but we are merely days away with only a Smackdown Live to go. If WWE doesn't understand how this is a problem, maybe they need to reconsider there jobs. Fact is by now, we should have a stacked card. Not something that's only half-assed.

4. The attendance is an all time low
Bottom line, it's hard to put people in seats when there's not too much of an advertised show. And I get it. You've been pre-occupied with "Season Premieres" (Whatever that means) to be bothered by focusing on upcoming events. Even though I don't agree with it...At all, I understand it. It will be interesting to get an actual number for their attendance, however.

3. The 24/7 Championship changes hands a bunch
The 24/7 Championship should get showcased a lot on Sunday. There's no reason not to. And if we're looking at bright spots, this is one for sure. Carmella and Truth have had an awesome little Tag team going since The Mixed Match Challenge and it paid dividends with the Championship. So now, I say they need to go for it, and do some really cool stuff here. Even if the night ends with R-Truth winning the belt once more, I'm okay with that.

2. The Fiend Loses
Everyone fully believes that The Fiend will win here, and capture his first Universal Championship. While I do agree he likely will, how curveball-like would it be for the WWE to pull the brakes and have him lose to Seth Rollins? It's not likely by any means however. It's said that Paul Heyman is big on the Fiend character and with the way he's been booked, it's quite clear that The Fiend is set to do some really big things.

1. NXT makes their presence felt
There's no denying the push that WWE is giving to the yellow and black brand. Their success on the WWE Network shows why. So now, there seems to be on missing piece. And that's to get on an actual WWE Network PPV, and not a Takeover special. My guess is that since there's not too many matches, perhaps they were saving maybe 2 spots just for NXT? Who's to say they won't? My guess is that they will and we will see something special with those guys and gals.

And that's our list! Got any picks? Let us know below or on Twitter!


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