5 Things the WWE Network Needs

Let's face it, we all love the WWE Network. It's the best possible way to watch PPV's such as Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble, The Saudi---Nevermind. Anyway, without the WWE Network, we wouldn't be able to see the awesome content that we like binging. Want to see an old ECW PPV? WWE Network. Want to see some Attitude Era moments? WWE Network. Wanna get caught up on what's going on? WWE Network. It's everywhere. And today we are gonna' take a look at 5 Things The WWE Network Needs. 5. More recent episodes of RAW and SDLive Although there is almost no way of this happening, given USA and FOX's involvement, how awesome would it be if you could just simply rewatch the episode that just aired on the Network? No waiting for a month when it goes up, and no waiting a few days or a week on Hulu. Just straight up wrestling action the moment it goes off the air. Now I can't stress enough about how I know this won't ever work, but it would just be sweet. ...