5 Takeaways from the Moxley Interview

5 Takeaways from the Moxley Interview

Jon Moxley set the wrestling world on fire last weekend. In what some would say was an "expected shock" debut on AEW's Double or Nothing, he made a statement. And that statement was he is NOT Dean Ambrose. He has been freed from his WWE culture. And the best part is now we can see the man shine. Shortly after however, he got interviewed on Talk Is Jericho. It was awesome, and today we are looking at 5 takeaways from that interview!

5: His creative status
There's something to be said when a wrestler genuinely does not like where he/she is at creatively. And Moxley was no exception. He mentioned how Vince had tried using a pooper scooper as a prop for him...Yeah. A pooper scooper. The problem is, Vince was allegedly the only one who found this to be somewhat amusing. Thankfully he got he changed. To a gas mask. But hell, to use a pooper scooper is a...crappy situation.

4: Friendship with Jericho
Chirs Jericho is  beyond a wrestling enigma. The man has been doing this as long as your dad has had pubic hair. There's always been something magical about Chris, and many in the business seemingly think the same thing; He's a nice guy. Unless your name is Goldberg, odds are you like Y2J to some extent. That's no different here with Moxley either. They were able to rattle off matches, and told each other they were gonna' talk even longer after the podcast. And that was an hour and a half. Going back to the WWE days, they've known each other atleast 7 years, given The Shield's call to the main roster in 2012. It showed in this interview

3: He didn't know if he was even going to be at AEW
Jon Moxley has always marched to the beat of a different drum. Just looking at this interview, as well as others, you can tell he likes no giving a damn. He likes living in the moment and not worrying about tomorrow. He said that regardless if AEW was even a thing, he was going to leave WWE anyway. He didn't know if he was going to show up at Double Or Nothing until a few days out. And he seemed fine with the idea. Going back to the creativity aspect, he loved the fact that he was able to be himself. And it showed.

2: Many People Agree
There was talk that once the interview dropped that most stars agreed with what he said. In fact, there was even a source quoted as saying "Vince Is Vince." It's three words, but it sums up how many feel about the WWE and its current status. Honestly, I'd be surprise if Moxley is the only one who speaks up. Sure we had Punk a number of years ago with his now infamous interview on The Art of Wrestling, but I get the feeling that with all the unhappiness in WWE, we'll get plenty of stories.

1: Renee Young was okay with it

Even though he didn't really touch on this, it seemed heavily implied. They always say "Happy wife, happy life"...Unless you're Nick who gets tossed down a flight of stairs. Either way, his decision to leave affect Renee just as much as it did him. And with her staying, there could be some consequences. Not saying that there will be. But there will be awkwardness. Imagine when Punk left WWE and AJ stayed on for a few months. It creates a somewhat hostile workplace, and I'm sure she knows that and embraces it. But if she leaves WWE for AEW...SHE BETTER MANAGE HIM!...Ahem.

And that's our list! Have any more thoughts from the interview? Let us know below or on Twitter!


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