5 Wrestling Games We Love

In the midst of WWE doing their annual trip to "Jeddah"...The city with no apparent country, we decided to take a brief break this week. Next week we'll get back to our usual rants with WWE, AEW or any other promotion, but why not take it a bit easy this week? Hey, we work hard to, and we deserve a break, dammit. That said, I (Nick) am a HUGE gamer. So when wrestling games get put out, it's like damn near Christmas. And today, we take a look at 5 Wrestling games we love! Here we go!

5. Fire Pro Wrestling Returns

It's hard to really pinpoint a non-WWE game series that has had more success than the FPW Series. A game that mixes 2D with 3D graphics and more customizable than any other game on the freaking planet, FPW Returns released in 2005 in Japan and two years later in America. It was a game that was beyond revolutionary for the time, and even had a re-release in 2013. I don't know about you, but whenever a game re-releases, it's because it sold so well the first time around. while the sales figures are hard to find, it must have been good. 

4. WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game

This one is one of my favorites in the whole list. As a Mortal Kombat fan, this game from Midway took from their classic fighter. Using moves such as Razor Ramon's blade, or Doink's mallet this game was insane. It was a very laxed game that frankly never took itself seriously. A lot of critics didn't care for its difficulty however, especially in the WWF Championship mode. But that adds to the beauty of this game, doesn't it? To have difficulty is always a challenge, but doesn't mean it's unplayable. Come on critics...Don't make me put you on the list.

3. WWE Supercard

I'm not one for mobile games, but when WWE Supercard first came onto the scene, it had me hooked. Now, I admit. I'm not as hooked as what I used to be. But I do enjoy going back to it every so often. The whole point of the game is to choose cards to play against a CPU. Through winning and addons and so fourth, you can update said cards to be stronger. The love for this game has been crazy as well. Fans can't get enough of it. And it shows. The fact that there's still support for a mobile game that has been out for a while speaks volumes to the games content. Nice work WWE. Now have it job out to Roman.

2. WWF No Mercy

Of course you can't have a wrestling games list and not include this one. Everyone and their mother has played WWF No Mercy. The fact  that it's 2019, and it's still arguably the best wrestling game of all time speaks volumes to THQ. They did a Hell of a job with this game, and it's easy to see why. From the roster size, to the creation suite, to the season mode. They hit just about every nail and laid the ground work for future WWE releases. It's also worth noting that the community is still going strong as well, given the fact that there are various websites and forums still going dedicated to hacking the ROM file on computer. Regardless if it's on PC or an actual cart, I'd say play it now and see if it holds up for yourself. Chances are, it still does.

1. WWE Smackdown VS RAW 2006

Now please take note. In now way is this list our TOP favorites. These are just wrestling games we love. And SvR 06 is one we still love. Now, I am a complete sucker for ECW (Yes, both incarnations) and when WWE included ECW One Night Stand as an unlockable arena, of course I went ballistic. But also having for the first time a GM Mode, where you take control of a brand was an awesome idea at the time. Also you were able to create your own entrance? Yeah. This game was awesome. And it still is.

That's our list! Have any others? Let us know below or on Twitter! 


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