5 Bold predictions for MITB

5 Bold Predictions for MITB

This Sunday is WWE's annual Money in the Bank PPV. While the audience seems to be split 50/50 on the card, there's not doubt there will be atleast one match to steal the show. And other matches...Well...We likely won't be talking about them after the show. That said, we're taking a look at our bold predictions for the PPV!

5: Braun Strowman will win MITB
This may seem odd given the fact he lost to Sami Zayn for a spot in the match. However, what's not to say that Braun absolutely destroys Sami beforehand, entering the match himself? While it might seem like a crazy idea, it is WWE in 2019. And frankly, I wouldn't put it past them to do something like that. Either way, I feel that Braun will make his presence known.

4: Alexa Bliss costs Nikki Cross the briefcase
This could be a stretch, given the fact Alexa isn't cleared to compete. But what if her music hits, only for Nikki to be distracted. Then Nikki loses the match to say, Ember Moon or someone? I mean, not that I am campaigning for Ember...No, not at all. But maybe. Either way, I feel like this is still a strong possibility, and then Nikki...Is gonna' want to play.

3: Kofi Kingston retains
Kofi has been on a warpath since winning the WWE Title at Wrestlemania just a month ago. The fans, while on his side, also feel however that he may be already running his course. Or, atleast have the strong feeling that KO is going to beat him for the belt. As much as I enjoy Kofi's work, and believe me I do. I sadly can see this happening. But, there's also a part of me that feels that Kofi isn't done just yet. Having him carrying the belt into Summerslam should be where they put their money. Not a MITB match that doesn't mean too much. 

2:Bray Wyatt interferes in the WWE Title match
The "Eater of Worlds" is done. No longer is Bray the usual Bray that we are used to seeing get jobbed out. Now we have a more sadistic, purge-esque character. The vignettes with his Funhouse are slowly gaining steam and it's clear he's in line for a big push. One he rightfully deserves. What's the best way to make an impact? Interrupting in a match that has strong implications. Even if they have him wait until the credits start rolling, it would be a huge move. Dare I say, bold?

1: Sasha Banks is entered in the MITB
I want to go on record to say that I can't stand Sasha Banks. Maybe that's a bad thing to say, but it's the truth. As a performer, she's amazing. But I can't stand the way she plays her character on TV. But, bias aside there's been rumors of her relationship with WWE for a while now. She's done things such as call out TNA Knockouts, like AEW tweets, and doing basically everything she isn't supposed to do. However, the pop that she would receive when her music hits could be deafening. While not from Hartford, home of this years MITB, she is from Boston, just about an hour and a half outside. This could be the re-introduction to a Heel Sasha that we need.

And that's our list! Are you pumped for MITB? Let us know below, or on Twitter!


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