5 Reasons CM Punk should join AEW

Okay...You knew a CM Punk blog was going to be coming sooner or later. It's pretty obvious that every and their mother is talking about him making his "return" to wrestling at a show for independent promotion MKWrestling. Simply put, he showed up as a stealthy ninja, delivered a GTS, and made his exit. No one, I repeat no one knew it was him. But that itch has to be there for Punk, right? RIGHT?!?!?! Ahem...Anyway, I don't think it's too much of a stretch to see him being brought up to AEW, given his relationship with the Young Bucks. That being said, here are 5 reasons for CM Punk to join All Elite Wrestling!

5. More Creative Control
If there's one thing that CM Punk hated in WWE, it was the fact that they constantly left him in a creative box. He felt that the Straight Edge Society broke up too son. He felt that him facing Triple H at Wrestlemania 30 was a bad idea. No matter what he would say or do, it wouldn't matter. WWE always seemed to have their way creatively. That wouldn't be the case with AEW. Cody and the Bucks have a game plan. And that plan is simple: Listen. By listening to their wrestlers, they won't have any problem letting Punk maybe even do a remake of the SES in AEW. Or, him in a ninja suit. Hard to call.

4.  Part Time Status
Going with the whole "AEW would listen" argument, Punk would love Part-Time. In no way am I trying to put words in his mouth, but if he went part-time, just imagine how healthy he would look. Just imagine how much anticipation could be built. He would be an attraction to AEW similar to how Lesnar is to WWE...Except the fact that would actually show up, and put talent over. Punk is without a doubt a brilliant mind, and being part-time would be a great status to have when you want to put over wrestlers.

3. A feud with Jericho
This one is more of a personal one. But I got to be honest, I would love a Jericho and Punk feud that actually meant something. And with AEW stating that wins and losses will actually matter, it's hard to choose someone to win. But The Alpha versus The Best in the World? That just prints money. Unless if you're WWE and decide to make it into a thing with alcohol, and a "WWF" slip by Punk. Oh what could have been...

2. His friends are there
As I mentioned earlier, Punk is friends with The Young Bucks. Also, he's friends with the man pictured in Kenny Omega. And while him and Jericho seem to be on and off again, it's pretty easy to see why Punk would want to go to AEW. Outside of the obvious star power he brings to the table, having classic matches with your friends has to be the ultimate plus for a guy like Punk, who wrestled people like Ryback, someone he didn't exactly get along with.

1. It ain't WWE
This one has to be obvious. WWE left a bad taste in Punk's mouth, and for good reason. Look, at the end of the day you need to be happy. And I think we all can agree that you just can't put a price on happiness. CM Punk personified that by abruptly leaving the WWE in early 2014. And while he hasn't been seen on a major level since, his name still echoes in arenas. I'm looking at you Chicago. Anyway, there's an obvious want for CM Punk in wrestling. We all know that it likely won't be WWE any time soon, if at all. So why not be the guy to lead a revolution for another company? Why not lead a company to be on the same level as WWE in an attempt to take them down? Fact is, right now in wrestling, we are at a new level of competition. And with AEW's backing, it shouldn't be hard to bring Punk in...If he's up for it, of course.

And that's our list! What are your thoughts? Do you think we'll see CM Punk in AEW? Sound off below, or let us know on Twitter



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