5 Championships you forgot existed.

In today's wrestling landscape, things move incredibly fast. One minute you have the likes of Kevin Owens in the title picture, then before you know it, Kofi Kingston is WWE Champion. Point is, with all 5, yes 5 WWE brands, things get swapped out constantly. That's in order to make room for newer, (Hopefully) fresher ideas that hopefully workout in the companies favor. But we tend to forget about certain aspects of those taken out of rotation. And today, we are going to revisit some of those forgotten memories, and here are 5 Championships you forgot existed. Keep in mind, it's not all WWE. Any title is up for debate.

5: WCW World Six-Man Tag Team Championship
To start things off, we have to mention this little beauty. Back in the early 90's, WCW was still stuck on older-thinking ideas. You still have guys who were past their prime in WCW, and honestly they were barely making any noise in the wrestling community. In what I guess was an attempt to "Shake things up," WCW came up wit the WCW World Six-Man Tag Team Championship...Which didn't make sense, given only three men held it. But either way, it was a Championship that only lasted 10 months. The idea seemed to have lost all steam and died a quick and easy death.

4: TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championships
Now you can call TNA many, many things. But one thing you should call them is "Ahead of their time." Atleast they were in 2009 when they introduced the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championships. Looking back, it certainly helped pave the way for the state of women's wrestling currently. TNA was known to have a better women's division than WWE back in the day, and this just proves it. That was however until 2013, when Eric Young was 1/2 of their final champs...Well, WWE did have Ellsworth capturing the briefcase, so I guess it evens out.

3: ECW Pennslyvania Championship
Long before the days that ECW decided to go "Extreme," they were trying all sorts of ideas. And on, like many on this list, were experimental. And this was one of them. Right before they decided to take on WWE and WCW, they were still a "mom and pop" show. And with that came the ECW Pennslyvania Championship. Held by only Tommy Cairo and Tony Stetson, the title was only around for 3 months before being abandoned at UltraClash 1993. It's safe to say that we won't be seeing this title back anytime soon. 

2: WWF Martial Arts Championship
Unlike all the others on this list, this one actually was around for 10 freaking years. Now, I can't justify that being okay, but why was there ever a MARTIAL ARTS title in a wrestling ring? That makes no sense. You never saw Jackie Chan hold up the WWE Championship in a karate fight, have you? No. Anyway, the title was only held by Antonio Inoki (Who won it at a house show), and Shota Chochisvilli. It's strange that this title never made it to actual TV, which might even be for the best.

1: ECW FTW Championship
Arguably the most notable on this list, the ECW FTW Championship was created by Taz in an attempt to get the character over on Shane Douglas. At the time, Douglas was their ECW Champion, and opted not to give Taz a title shot. Throwing stones at a glass house, Taz made up the FTW title, and it took off on its own soon enough. The only other one to hold the title was Sabu. And the man didn't even want it. And here we are discussing it. 

That's our list! Got any that you forgot about as well? Let us know down below or on Twitter!


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