5 Wrestlemania Matches you need to watch

Wrestlemania 35 is this Sunday. And while we're all making plans to get there, or maybe going to a friends house to watch, this years event is on tap to be one of the hugest in history. We have women Main Eventing for the first time, an underdog story with Kofi Kingston and an undercard that is sure to entertain us. With that said, it got me thinking. What are some 'Mania matches you should watch to get you hyped up for Sunday? Well, today we're taking a look. We gotta' note that these matches aren't necessarily my favorites, but matches you NEED to watch. Hence you know...The title of this blog.

5: Edge vs. Mick Foley (Wrestlemania 22)
This match is good. Pure and simple. And it's easy to see why, when you have two of the most magnetic characters in wrestling with Mick Foley and Edge. You throw in a very NC-17 Lita into the mix, and you have the makings for a hardcore classic. And that's what we got. The story here was that Edge blamed Foley for a loss that the latter was a referee for. Eventually setting up this classic, Foley would go on to have an amazing feud with Edge that frankly tends to get overlooked when you talk about 'Mania builds. If you're into Hardcore wrestling, or just wanna relive that epic Spear spot, then this is for you.

4: Yokozuna vs. Bret Hart...Then, Hogan vs. Yokozuna (Wrestlemania 9)
This one may not be a popular decision in terms of matches you "Need to Watch," but you kind of have to. While the Match, or Match(es) weren't incredibly well, it has an interesting place in history. Yeah, from a pure storyline perspective to have Hogan come out made zero sense. But when you look at the bigger picture of things and realize that it shows Hogans ego even more than ever before...It isn't too surprising. Frnakly, the one I feel the most sorry for is Bret in the whole thing. But either way, it was ambitious for WWE to pull a swerve like this on the Grandest Stage. And the fact that they did, had people talking.

3: Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania 10)
If you want to go back in history and watch a 'Mania match that flat out stole the show, then here you go. The match that undoubtedly put both guys on the map, it was clear HBK and Razor only had one goal in mind that night. And that was to be the Main Event, even though they weren't. The story here is that HBK got stripped of his IC title for not defending it enough. While he got stripped Razor won a tournament to decide the new Intercontinental Champion. HBK didn't acknowledge the fact that he got stripped, so they decided to settle it in the first ever Ladder Match. These two put on a clinic in terms of wrestling, and innovations with the ladder. We need to appreciate this match more often.

2: The Hardyz vs. Enzo/Cass vs. The Bar vs. The Club (Wrestlemania 33)
It's hard to imagine The Hardyz were going to win the RAW Tag Titles that night. In fact, there were rumblings that they had resigned with ROH, choosing not to come "home" to WWE. That changed when this original Triple Threat Tag Team Match suddenly turned into a Fatal Four Way, as confirmed by hosts New Day. The eruption they got from the fans was unlike anything I ever heard. And I was watching from home. This match serves as not only a homecoming for Team Xtreme, but an instant classic in the fans eyes. The electricity, the classic Swanton and more. If you want a match that has a huge pop, watch this one. It sure gives me goosebumps.

1: Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania 24)
In my honest opinion, this could very well be my favorite Wrestlemania Match. Greatest? No. Personal Favorite? It's up there. Ric Flair was one of the reasons as to why I started watching wrestling. My grandmother DESPISED him. And I wanted to know why. Why did she hate this fictitious character? And I saw why. So it's hard to see the man actually retire (TNA matches don't count, come on). And to see Shawn mouthed the phrase "I'm Sorry, I love you." It wrenches your heart far more than what it should. But that's great story-telling in wrestling. To play off emotions, and to have the in-ring work back up the story you're telling. This one is a hard-hitting, chop fest from Flair. I wouldn't expect anything less. And for Shawn to have a decent 20-minute match with Flair only goes to prove why HBK truly is "Mr. Wrestlemania."

That's the list! Do you have any favorites? Let us know below or on Twitter!



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