Non-Spoiler Review: Fighting With My Family

Non Spoiler Review: Fighting With My Family

When the WWE first announced a Paige biopic was coming, I was more than hesitant. I'm not exactly what you would call a "Paige Fan." Frankly, I never seen the big deal about her ring style, her promos, etc. With that being said, the girl from Norwich became one of the WWE's top and final Divas from the "Diva" era, and transitioned into someone who ushered the "Womens Revolution." So, I decided to go into "Fighting With My Family" with an open mind, and here's what I thought....Non Spoiler, of course for those of you who have yet to see it.


The story itself largely revolved around her before her WWE career. There are moments that are a tad surprising to learn. If you're someone like me who again, wasn't really a fan of hers you'll find it interesting to hear about her upbringing into wrestling. Florence Pugh, who plays Paige did a fantastic job in the role. Not only does she look like Paige, but has her speech down as well. It only helped in a story that will leave you speechless at times. 

From there it transitions to her life in the WWE. In a non-spoiler way, this is where I'll say I was probably the most disappointed. Without giving away too much, I'll say it made me want more out of the story as a whole.

Looking back at the grand scheme, the story is pretty good. It's a rollercoaster of emotions that keeps the watcher enticed all throughout the movie. Although towards the end, it seemed to drop off. If you're going to watch this movie, keep an open mind about that.


The acting is arguably the biggest highlight of this movie. Nick Frost and Lena Hedley play Pugh's parents in this movie. They do not disappoint. At times of showing emotion regarding either comedy or sadness both actors did fantastic. Jack Lowden plays the brother, Stephen. the older brother chasing the dream as well. There's something there when you get the right cast in place, and WWE certainly did that. The family members are believable, yet funny at the same time. They bring a lot to the wrestling table.

There's also cameos in the movie from WWE stars. Without naming who (Although you can look online) they didn't rely on their own stars too much. And that's a good thing. In a movie that didn't seem like an advertisement for the company, it was subtle. In fact, I would go on to say that they should've had more but hey, I'm a fan.

Overall: 7/10

The movie did a great job in displaying aspects of her life that I had no idea existed. It shows hardship, excitement and almost everything in between. This is most certainly a movie that you could spend watching with a non-wrestling fan and they would appreciate it. The main setback for this film however, is towards the ending. A suggestion would also be oddly the length. At 1 hour, 48 minutes I felt like it could have been longer to properly tell the story even more. So do I recommend it? Absolutely. This movie lays the Smackdown on all the other movies out right now.


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