5 WWE Superstars AEW Should Target

5 WWE Superstars AEW Should Target

What the Hell? I might as well get this out of the way, right? Ever since AEW has been a thing, the IWC has been completely buzzing in regards to who they should sign from WWE. Some have been head-scratchers, while others actually...Make sense. And today, we are here to talk about those people! Here are 5 WWE Suprsters that AEW should target!

5: Matt Hardy
To have this list and not include The "Woken" one would be an injustice for the ages. Matt Hardy has done everything in his WONDERFUL career to reinvent himself, and has shown the importance of creativity in wrestling. This would be interesting considering his friendship with THE BUCKS OF YOUTH!!!!....Okay, I'll stop now. Point is, Matt Hardy would be an amazing creative addition to the AEW roster.

4: Adam Cole
What is it about Adam Cole (Baybay) that makes him appear in my blogs? Perhaps that just shows his true nature. Adam Cole has a natural charisma and a natural athleticism to him that is without a doubt unmatched. Imagine the likes of him and Kenny Omega? or MJF? There's plenty of potential there and not to mention having your wife there could only benefit you.

3: Brock Lesnar
Okay, Hold on. Let me just state that Brock (In my opinion) should be absolutely nowhere NEAR an AEW ring...Or any wrestling ring for that matter. However, if he was to go to another promotion, wrestling or MMA wouldn't it make sense? Considering the Khan family owning AEW and with reports stating that they have almost as much money as Ted Turner, who loves money more than Brock? Bringing him in to a locker room obviously adds name power. But it adds far more than that. It now adds the star power that they need outside of Omega, Jericho and the Bucks. Just don't bankrupt the roster, Brock.

2: Alexa Bliss
This is another one that seems like a no-brainer to me. Alexa Bliss has the look, ability, and promo to make AEW an even more amazing place than what it's already shaping up to be. Not only is she the star power, but I just feel like she fits the attitude that AEW is trying to bring. The question would be who would step up and face The Goddess? 

Honorable Mentions

The Revival
This one's clear. The Revival have almost all but confirmed that they are leaving WWE, and why not go to the place where you would be more appreciated?

Who better than the Swiss Cyborg? Honestly the dude is a freak of nature that has been highly undervalued. Once Cesaro's WWE contract is up, I would highly consider a move.

1: AJ Styles
I just want to go on record to say that I love AJ. AJ Styles is one of Rebecca's favorites right now. That being said, his contract is reportedly coming to an end soon, and no deal has been made as of this writing. Could it be AJ is going to All Elite Wrestling? Maybe we'll see a proper Jericho and Style's feud, with some Cody mixed in. Only time will tell, but just imagine what AJ could do for a young startup company.

And that's our list! Do you have any favorites you would want in AEW? Lets us know below, or on Twitter!



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