What Made Dean Ambrose leave?

What Made Dean Ambrose leave?

Dean Ambrose is leaving WWE. There is always going to be emotion filled with that statement. Whether or not he comes back, is entirely up to him. Given the way things are going however, who knows just if and when he decides to come back. While WWE is no longer the "Be all end all" of Pro Wrestling, fact of the matter is, there are just some guys who never bounce back. Is Dean going to be one of those guys? Today we take a look at why he is leaving WWE.

This has got to stop!

Let's be honest. Sometimes WWE's comedy bits are hit or miss. Sometimes, they make us laugh for days (I'm looking at you Titus WorldSlide) and other times, they make us cringe (See creepy dude in Alexa's locker room). But regardless, some wrestlers enjoy those spots. While it does provide us fans with a sense of relief from a 3 hour show, there are talent who just downright do not enjoy working those spots. Dean Ambrose was one of those names. He wasn't going to be the guy that only does jobs for other talent. He wasn't going to be involved with a "Hokey" angle. In fact, those were reportedly his words on the matter; Let's face it, at the end of the day, if a wrestler doesn't feel comfortable with something they say or do, it shows. We as fans sit back, twist our heads in confusion and just try to pretend like it never happened. 

And that's exactly what happened with Dean Ambrose. Following an epic Heel turn on the night of Roman Reigns announcing his unfortunate hiatus due to leukemia, Dean planted his Shield brother with a Dirty Deeds that was almost just as shocking as when Seth used a steel chair on Roman just a few years prior. That however proved to be an Achilles heel for Dean. No longer a member of The Shield, he burned his jacket and laughed in Seth Rollin's face. Sadly after that, Dean quickly got lost in the shuffle. From doing a wierd thing about needing a gas mask on RAW, to coming out with a fur coat. All WWE was really interested in was him being hokey. Which leads me to the original point of not being comfortable; You have to enjoy what you're doing, not hate it. It was clear from the start that Ambrose hated the "Hokey" stuff. 

Frustration Leads to Irritation 

If you look back at Dean's character ever since he returned, you'll notice one thing. He has been a background character. It's hard to get behind someone whose nickname is the "Moral Compass," when they are barely featured. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm in and always will be in the mindset of "You can't push everybody." However, what's wrong with featuring a character for a small segment every week? The problem with WWE is it's formulaic. Every episode of RAW starts off with a 30 minute talking segment (Or close to it), effectively setting up a main event. That's fine, but you have to showcase different talent or else all your hard work becomes stale. 

And that's exactly what happened with Dean. He simply wasn't being featured. So when you read that he is upset with his character, he's not "Upset." He's pissed off. Everyone wants to be not just in the spotlight, but they want to again be featured. And Dean wasn't reaping any of the benefits; Barely on TV. Little merch sales. Bad crowd reaction. You put all of that in a blender, and you just sealed his kiss of death. While you "Can't push everyone," you could very well had him cut backstage promos. But that was never the intent with WWE. In fact, this has been festering and festering to no end. And Dean was irritated of how he was being treated.

So all in all, what can we say about the soon to be Lunatic Fringe? Well for starters, we can say he's had an up and down run with the company. He's had his highs (Shield, winning WWE Championship, etc.) but also lows (Gas mask, booking, etc.) Frankly, there's no right or wrong way in terms of defining his run with the company. And while we will definitely miss him, we all can't wait to see what is on the horizon for the former Jon Moxley. My prediction? He doesn't go to AEW. He doesn't even join Impact. Instead, I can see him creating a name for himself in a promotion that needs a star right now; Ring of Honor.

Let's face it, ROH is good. But that's all it will ever be if it doesn't lock down a talent for the long run. And having a guy like Ambrose can only benefit the company, provided that have him for atleast 4-5 years. Make him the face of the company, and turn some heads. Make him the must see guy that you need. But, build to it. Don't let him just simply "win". Have it mean something. If this little fantasy scenario plays out, who knows what could be in store for the wrestling landscape.

And that's the list! Do you have anything else you would like to add? Lets us know below, or on our Twitter! We'll see you guys next time!



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