5 Surprise entrants for the Royal Rumble Match

Every year, the Royal Rumble Pay Per View is known as the first event toward Wrestlemania. And each and every time, it never ceases to amaze us fans. From Kofi's incredible saves, to surprise entrants, and winner we may or may not agree with, the event has something for everyone. And while this year is no different, we are going to be looking at some of those names that may leave you speechless.

#5: Kairi Sane
WWE usually tries to tie in some sort of NXT connection. And what would be a better way than everyone's favorite Pirate Princess, Kairi Sane? She has taken NXT by storm since her debut and (Again) is only a skip, hop and jump away from making her roster debut. Imagine her trying to sneak out Charlotte, or her facing Ruby Riot? There's tons of possibility here with Sane and the money can only print itself. 

#4: Kenny Omega
While this is almost a near impossibility, given the rumors surrounding him with AEW, one can dream. What can be said about Kenny that hasn't been said already? He's widely regarded as one of the altime greats of this era, having honed his craft in NJPW, ROH and other promotions. While most would view this as the ultimate dream moment in the rumble, I would have to disagree. While I still view AJ Styles as the biggest coup for the company, there's no doubt a Kenny Omega surprise would be huge.

#3: X-Pac
There's always atleast one suprise in every Rumble, and that's exactly what X-Pac would be; A familiar face that we haven't seen in a while. Although most people don't really view X-Pac as a "Shock" per say, (Given his overall image) it would still be someone that we haven't seen making an appearance, even if he didn't last too long.

#2: AJ Lee
Okay, Okay. This one is just as unlikely as Kenny Omega. But how cool would it be if someone like her and Ember Moon for example, come face to face? How awesome would it be seeing her and Charlotte Flair head to head? Admit it, you would pop if you heard her theme music and out she came skipping. While CM Punk chants would follow, once AJ started, the fans would be chanting "Welcome Back," or something along those lines.

#1: Kevin Owens
For a while, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn both have been advertised for a return. While those promos have suddenly disappeared, one can only assume that was by design to make you forget about them. Between both of them, I would consider KO to be the bigger of the two. While it's unlikely he would even win, a big showing down to the final four could be just what the doctor order for a Kevin Owens return.

And that's our list! Are there any names you would like to see in the Rumble matches? Lets us know on Twitter or below!



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