5 Matches from "Retired" wrestlers in 2019

2019 has seen some...Interesting things, to say the least. But one of those things is the fact that wrestlers seemingly came out of retirement to either have that "feelgood story," or just "one more match." It's no secret that money talks, and money surely talked these competitors to atleast consider the idea. That said, we're gonna' take a look at 5 Matches from "retired" wrestlers in 2019.

5. Shane McMahon (WrestleMania)

So what do you get when you put psycho daredevil Shane McMahon in a falls count anywhere match with The Miz? Gold! This match only suffered from being placed in a stacked five hour card. This was one of The Miz best matches in recent memory! The ending when The Miz suplexed Shane off the platform is what you expect from Shane but was a shocker for the “safe and soft” Miz! At the end they delivered a great match!

4. Batista (WrestleMania)

I had the joy of being at Raw when this feud kicked off! When Batista attacked Ric Flair and issued his challenge to Triple H the wind was sucked out the State Farm Arena! Do yourself a favor and youtube the segment when he returned. Now the match was also pretty good for the former Evolution members. The build up for this match was great and proved why WWE is still the biggest sports entertainment companies in the world!

3. Goldberg(Summerslam)

Now after that horrible match with the Undertaker at Super ShowDown, Goldberg needed a great match to bounce back; and man did we get a great match. Dolph Zigler helped Goldberg get that win to bring the intensity back. In the first ten seconds Goldberg ate two superkicks which shocked the crowd because no one say Dolph to get much offence. The match ended with Bill getting the 1 2 3, as expected but they did deliver a great match.

2. Trish Stratus(Summerslam)
From the moment Charlotte issued the challenge to Trish I knew the match would be a contender for best women's matches of the year. This was special because this was my favorite female wrestler of all time going one on one with arguably the best female wrestler of all time! They delivered in the ring and Trish’s hometown crowd was feeling it that night. We got to see a Hall Of Famer in the ring get all her spots off then gracefully putting over younger talent! One of the better matches of the year!

1. The Undertaker (Extreme Rules)
This was better than Undertaker's last few matches. This felt like a rejuvenated motivated Undertaker. It was Undertaker and Roman Reigns vs Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre and they put on one of my non NXT matches! We have seen the Undertaker put through a table and receive a coast 2 coast from Shane on this night. This was the complete opposite of the Goldberg train-wreck they had at Super ShowDown. To quote Michael Cole “When was the last time the Undertaker looked that good” this has to be the best match of 2019 from someone who isn't an active competitor every week.

That's our list! Have any others we may have missed? Sound off below or on Twitter!


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