5 Ways Lesnar Destroyed WWE's Main Event Scene

At the risk of Brock Lesnar (Somehow) reading this and killing me, I will say one thing; Brock Lesnar is an absolute monster. And there is just no way around that. Brock has done some rather extraordinary things in his career that we may not have enjoyed or even appreciated. But that's what makes Brock unique; He straight up doesn't give a damn about us. But as you all know, the perception of Brock has obviously been lackluster. And today, we put pen to paper...Or Keys to a word document? Oh Internet...Anyway, today we are looking at 5 Ways Lesnar DESTROYED WWE's Main Event Scene!

5: Beating Randy Orton  
Again, we know how brutal Lesnar can be. No one will deny that. However, that didn't mean that WWE had to so bluntly show it to us. At Summerslam 2016, The Beast took on The Viper in what a lot thought would be a basic Brock-formulated match; Suplex, Suplex, Suplex, F5 and match over. However, that was not the match we saw when early on, it was apparent that Lesnar was not happy about something, and decided to take it out on the Apex Predator...By legitimately using MMA-style forearm shots his head. Lesnar took off his gloves and would bash him so much, that Orton was left in a pool of his own blood. While Orton reportedly signed off on it, Chris Jericho was said to be outraged, and even got in a shouting match with Lesnar afterwards. But, the main question is...What did it do to the Main Event Scene? Bloody Nothing. Sorry, Orton.

4: Not talking
Whenever a wrestler has a manager do their talking for them, it's usually because said wrestler can't cut a promo to save their life. Lesnar is no exception, showing in the past that he has as much charisma as Mat does every other Sunday. But the problem is when you rely on it so heavily, it doesn't make us more intimidated of you. In fact, it makes us roll our eyes after a while. That's not a slight on Paul Heyman either. Heyman has done his best which has been more than enough. But it doesn't make me want to buy Lesnar merch. It doesn't make me want to see a Lesnar match. Instead, we get Paul getting into a verbal match with Lesnars opponent, rather than Lesnar (The Champion) say something. Again, it's fine, but eventually there has to be some give with that take. And in this case, that never happens.

3: Lack of wrestling moves
When Brock Lesnar came back to the WWE in 2012, we all were hyped. We thought we were going to see a Shooting Star Press, thought we were going to see some great submission moves...And we got none of that. Instead, we got 2. Yep. 2 Moves. A suplex...And an F5. At some point you think WWE is just trolling us. Or maybe it's because Lesnar flat out can't wrestle. If he can, he would atleast try to change things up. But never has. Case closed, he can't wrestle. He makes guys like Cena, Hogan and Roman Reigns look more like Angle, Jericho and Guerrero. Now, there have been main eventers before who "Couldn't Wrestle," but they all did more than just 2 moves. Hell, Cena had 5. When you only do 2 moves, it's hard to tell a good story in the ring, and this just shows that Lesnar has no wrestling ability. 

2:Bad Booking
We already discussed what he did to Orton, but there is so much more to Lesnar than just one isolated incident. He has won not only the title, but more importantly, matches he had no business winning. Say what you will about Wrestlemania 34 (Which I went to, check out below), but Lesnar had no business going over against Reigns, someone who (At the time) Love him or hate him, deserved it. And as of this writing, he's going against Seth Rollins in this years Wrestlemania. And if he Lesnar retains, I lose all faith in WWE's booking for Sethy McBethy. It pains me to see that, and it pains me I just called Seth that name as well. Let's move on.

1: He's Never Freaking There
No, I didn't just leave a huge space. That's an actual blank image. Because that's what we get every Monday Night on RAW. We had Roman Reigns out due to his leukemia last year. And no real players in the main event scene. It would've been nice to have our Universal Champion to actually...Show up. Apparently, that's a very, very tough thing when you're Brock Lesnar. I understand he wants to be a part timer. And I understand that he enjoys his schedule as he should. But to hold up the belt to get what you want is never the answer. You only piss on the fans who paid hard earned money to see the show, and you piss on the wrestlers who deserve it.

That's our list! Have any other points we may have missed? Let us know below or on Twitter. In the meantime, here's the video of Nick and Michael during Wrestlemania 34!


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