5 Things to look for in the Wednesday Night Wars

If there's one thing that's been certain so far during the Wednesday Night Wars, it's that you can expect the unexpected. From ratings grabs, to surprise debuts, we've seen quite a bit so far. And the beauty is we're just getting started. So today, we're going to be looking at 5 things to look for as we continue down the Wednesday Night Wars!

5. NXT Viewer Increase?
WWE pulled out all the stops Sunday to prove that NXT are on the same level, if not better than Raw and Smackdown! Shows that Vince will do anything to pull out a win when he is in a war. Now the major question is out of the new audience how much of the key demo did he reach. Also out of the new audience how many of them will tune in Wednesday night. My prediction is NXT does 1.1 million AT LEAST!

4. AEW's first loss

The Wednesday night war was very one sided for 7 straight weeks, but NXT finally pulled out a victory. AEW for the first time have to prove that they can overcome WWE. If they win the viewership after Vince just put all his eggs in one basket that would be huge. This week will be very hard coming off 2 PPV’s! 

3. NXT Tag Team Titles

WWE announced that we will have Keith Lee and Dominik Dijakovic challenge for the NXT Tag Titles tonight. This match will steal the show and hopefully is the main event. Keith Lee over the weekend proved his is super over with the fans, and im wondering if the tag title is the right choice. His potential is skyrocketing and I think singles gold would be better for him.

2. Will Jericho vs Sky Be Enough?

AEW announce two matches at the time of me writing this Jericho vs Sky for the title, and Hangman Page vs MJF. Will these match help AEW move back to the most watched wednesday wrestling show. These matches are worth a view I can tell you that but I dont think La Champion will stop NXT this week. My prediction for AEW is 850,000 views tonight!

NXT Stars Needs Rest!

A few stars are battling injuries on top of fatigue from that crazy week. Adam Cole has had that nagging wrist injury and can't even heel for that and now his midsection appears to be banged up. Pete Dunne is another star that needs some time he could barely stand at Takeover after his match. I see tonight having a lot of filler matches at times due to not overworking the major stars that are banged up.

That's our list! Have any more, lets us know below or on Twitter!


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