5 Bad KOTR Winners

You know, these King of the Ring matches are amazing. They're a spotfest that the fans simply can't get enough of. And there's nothing wrong with that. The King of the Ring tournament has launched the careers of Stone Cold, Brock Lesnar and others. But what about the other side? What about the winners that you don't really hear about? Well today we are going to look at 5 bad KOTR Winners. 5. Mabel I enjoyed Viscera for the most part. A big man that could hang with just about anyone. As scary as what his stature was, however did he really need to win the King of the Ring tournament? I mean come on, he's a big man. Why is he not doing big man things? Look at present day Braun Strowman or Hell even Kane for that matter. They were believable big men. But King Mabel? King Mabel? Come on WWE you can do better. And it's not like much came of that. Davey Boy Smith got inserted into his spot, and he was out the door soon after. 4. Sheamus I'll be h...