5 Biggest Draft "Busts" in WWE History

There's been plenty of good moments that the Draft has given us. We've seen John Cena move to RAW in 05, The Dudleyz splitting up and giving us Reverend D-Von. Organically, a lot of good can and should happen from the Draft. But what if I told you that not everything is rainbows and sunshine when it comes to the Draft? Here, we are taking a look at 5 Biggest Draft "Busts" in WWE History.

5. Jim Ross to SDLive (2008)

You know, this one irks me to no end. I can picture Vinnie Mac in the back with his chest puffed out going "HaHa! I'm going to pull one over on JR! He won't know he's getting drafted!" It's no secret that Vince loved trolling JR backstage, and this is just another example. Why waste a pick on an announcer? Just why? You don't see college coaches getting drafted to NFL teams. So why would you do that here? They should've spent picks more wisely than making a joke out of it.

4. Hurricane Helms to ECW (2009)
It's hard for me to knock anyone that gets drafted to ECW during 2007-2009. Those few years was hard for anyone to get over in ECW, because to many fans it wasn't what it should have been. That said, I think we can all agree that Hurricane's run on the Extreme brand was an absolute bust. Used sparingly, the only real thing he did was feud with Paul Burchill in a very bland feud. After months of inactivity, he was released. Was he a bust? In his career, no. But in that one particular run, absolutely.

3. Spike Dudley to SDLive (2004)
There's not much to really say when it comes to Spike Dudley being drafted in 2004. He turned heel, challenged for the Cruiserweight Championship. While he did win the belt due to assistance from his "Brothers", he didn't do much afterwards. He was floating around, and while he did beat the likes of Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman, his run as a heel was lackluster as best, and was taken off TV for a little bit before getting released. His last real appearence before then was at ECW One Night Stand, so atleast he went out on a good note.

2. The Great Khali to RAW (2011)

I'm not too sure if we can call this one a "Bust," but it's my article so why not. Once a dominate force on The Blue Brand, Khali was sent to RAW to demonstrate his talents there. However, it didn't work out that way, as he quickly turned face and called himself "The Punjabi Playboy". Ouch. Granted Khali couldn't move around the ring, what's wrong with making him the monster he truly is. Consider him a victim of bad booking, but it never should have been that way to begin with.

1. Brock Lesnar to RAW (2016)
At the risk of Lesnar reading this and kicking the crap out of me, I just want to say he truly has been a bust. Ever since he's come back, his sporadic appearances, combined with Heyman carrying 80 percent of his workload, there's not too many positives Brock has had to offer. I don't have any respect for someone who likes to show up and jump up and down in the ring. So with that reason, yes Brock. You are a complete bust.

And that's the list! Got any choices? Lets us know below or on Twitter!


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