Remember When? (Vol. 3)

Remember When? (Vol. 3) The Beginning of NXT Last time on the "Remember When" series, we took an in-depth look at the history of the newly formed ECW, lasting from 2006 to 2010. We described the argumentative state that the brand always seemed to be in. Then on ECW's second to last episode, they announced the end of ECW. They announced that in its place would be WWE's latest "developmental" series, NXT. There wasn't too much known about the brand at the time. We just knew NXT would be pairing "Rookies" with "Pros". The rest was proven to be history, and now we have the brand known as NXT every Wednesday. So that being said, let's take a look back at the early history of NXT! Chapter 1: An Extreme Beginning As we mentioned, Vince McMahon came down the ramp on February 2nd 2010, and congratulated ECW for "|Being the success it truly was". To the dismay of the announce team of Josh Matthews and Byron Saxton, ...