5 Biggest Draft "Busts" in WWE History

There's been plenty of good moments that the Draft has given us. We've seen John Cena move to RAW in 05, The Dudleyz splitting up and giving us Reverend D-Von. Organically, a lot of good can and should happen from the Draft. But what if I told you that not everything is rainbows and sunshine when it comes to the Draft? Here, we are taking a look at 5 Biggest Draft "Busts" in WWE History. 5. Jim Ross to SDLive (2008) You know, this one irks me to no end. I can picture Vinnie Mac in the back with his chest puffed out going "HaHa! I'm going to pull one over on JR! He won't know he's getting drafted!" It's no secret that Vince loved trolling JR backstage, and this is just another example. Why waste a pick on an announcer? Just why? You don't see college coaches getting drafted to NFL teams. So why would you do that here? They should've spent picks more wisely than making a joke out of it. 4. Hurricane Helms to ECW (2009) ...